Kolette Hall

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20 Things That Create These Days...

At six months old...eating1.  You are eating 2-3 Stage 1 baby foods for each meal and still have a few bottles a day as well.  You open your mouth for each bite and swallow like a pro except when you're showing us your champion spitting skills.2.  You have mastered rolling from your back to your belly, making your arms stronger and stronger, but you get frustrated and bury your face in the floor because you can't remember how to roll back.  You sometimes roll over in your bed and that makes you mad.small paul3.  Your changing table has become a wrestling mat as you dig in your heels and scoot yourself up, twisting and turning and grunting along the way.4.  You kick and squeal various pitched "ahhs" and love your bath, splashing half the water out before it's all over.5.  You are weighing in at 20 lbs 12 oz and are 28" long.  That puts you in the 95% for both height and weight.  That's almost 21 lbs of rolls to squeeze and kiss and tickle.6.  Mom loves the $20 umbrella stroller from Target because it folds up so small in the car.  You eat in it right now and that works great, but mostly she loves it because you like to hang out in it and watch the world.7.  You still love your little red birdie from your play gym so Mom totes it around with us since it makes you happy.8.  You had a diaper rash and Aunt Janet taught us that cornstarch was the solution - she was right!9.  You sleep through almost every night and take great naps during the day.  Mom had to buy a few more of your favorite flannel receiving blankets because you love to snuggle with them and feel them on your face when you sleep.10.  Your Grandma and Grandpa left a few days ago for a work assignment to live in the Dominican Republic and it will be so sad to have them gone.  We'll be counting the days till they come back to visit the end of September.  You love both of your Grandmas and Grandpas and they spoil you rotten!grandmagrandpa11. You have learned how to click your tongue and you think it's so funny when other people do it with you.12.  You loved the family reunion with all of the Englands.  They all love babies so you had lots of friends to play with you and hold you and make you laugh.13.  You grow out of your pajamas so quickly that Mom can't keep up with you.  You wear size 3 diapers and Mom loves to dress you in rompers because they are comfortable and easy.14.  You are good at just sitting on Dad's lap without squirming and fussing.  You and Dad have also figured out how he can hold you so you are up by his face.  He loves it when you pat his cheeks and put your arm around his neck.15.  You like to stand up while someone holds your hands and you get such a triumphant look on your face.  Then you get tired and plop back down on your bum.16.  You like to grab your feet when you play.  When you do, Dad rolls you over and you look like a potato bug.17.  You are fascinated by Mom's computer and you will sit on her lap for a long time as she works.computer18.  Your play gym is history - too much rolling around for you.  Your bumbo is being borrowed by baby Claire since you are already getting too chunky for it.  Your bouncer is a thing of the past.  We'll stick with the jumparoo for now and Mom finally broke down and bought a high chair.19.  We are all excitedly waiting for Uncle Nate and Aunt Saige to adopt their new little baby in just a couple of weeks.  You will have a Hall cousin right here in Utah!20.  You are loved beyond measure.  Your Mom and Dad can't believe the miracle you are and can't even remember life without you.  You are Mom's "Munchkin" and Dad's "Buddy" and are changing right before our eyes.  We love our little family.reunion